Hi together,
we are using Xentral together with Shopify and have the 2 connected via the app Xentra Business Booster.
We are using Wholesale for our Shopify Store to create custom price lists per customer. Now, as you might know, the problem is that wholesale creates discounts on Shopify Products when the orders is created, instead of overriting the prices in the cart. So e.g. if the product costs 160 manually and you want to give it to a retailer for 80, instead of putting the product in the order in shopify for 80, it will just put a discount of 50% so that the overall sum is 80.
Now, when these orders are imported into Xentral, they also have the discount instead of the direct correct price. So they will show 1. the product for 160 and then 2. a 50% discount so that overall sum is correct again. obviously, such an invoice we do not want to send to our retailers and instead send an invoice where it directly says 80 for the article.
Previously, the Xentral support recommended to checkout Smartys: https://help.xentral.com/hc/en-us/articles/4402058180114-Smarty-at-Shopimporter?auth_token=eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJhY2NvdW50X2lkIjo5NTc4ODA3LCJ1c2VyX2lkIjo1MTY2MjM0NDgxNDM2LCJ0aWNrZXRfaWQiOjE1Mjc1NSwiY2hhbm5lbF9pZCI6NjMsInR5cGUiOiJTRUFSQ0giLCJleHAiOjE2NTg5OTkwMjR9.nKDcEv_gU1YwrumE8DASEEykF63Kuap5snQOC5_u_n0&source=search
as it should be able to edit how order properties are imported from Shopify into Xentral.
We checked it out but did not get yet, how to
1) delete the wholesale discount
2) change the price of the article
regarding 2) I figured how to create price rules per article and customer in Xentral. These rules do work, however only when the orders are created in Xentral and not when they are imported from our Shopify Store. Therefore, we need a solution, where Smartys deletes the articel price from the Shopify order and instead overrides it with the Xentral price rule for the regarding customer.
Maybe, somebody knows this issue and can help me how ti fix it.