
Get information for Purchase Order

Benutzerebene 1


I’m trying to find if it is possible to access the purchase order information through the API, for both list and editing, like it is for Sales Orders. 



Renan Cidale


Beste Antwort von Anonymous 10 May 2023, 18:22

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8 Antworten

Hi @renancidale 


For editing, you can use this: 


curl --location '' \

--header 'Content-Type: application/xml' \

--header 'Authorization: Bearer 44|xxxxxxx' \

--data '<xml>




However, we don’t have an endpoint for `List`

Benutzerebene 1

That’s great ! 

Thank you, 

Is there any way to connect which Bestellung belongs to a Sales Order ?, either way ?

Benutzerebene 1

Btw, on that note, is that information that you provided @chuck_aguilar , can I find it myself somewhere ? I have been trying to scan the docs but without much success unfortunately :( 

Hi @renancidale  


how do you want to connect a purchase to a sales order? A purchase is when you buy something for your business. And a sales order is when your customer buys something from you. 


They might be the same object, if you’re reselling, but it doesn’t have to be. Maybe you produce muesli, so, the sales orders will be to buy your muesli, but your purchase would be to buy the ingredients for the muesli. 


Benutzerebene 1

Hi @chuck_aguilar 

It wasn’t so much about connecting, more about finding the link between a purchase order and a sales order. 

In the UI, we are able to create a purchase order from a sales order, therefore, I would assume that we have a link there. 

Is there any way to find that link ?

Benutzerebene 1

Hi @chuck_aguilar 

Please don’t forget me

Hi @renancidale 

That’s done with the “Bestellvorschlag” in the UI. We don’t have an endpoint for that. 

Benutzerebene 1

For future reference, you can connect a Purchase order to a Sales Order, through the auftrag_position_id property from the `bestellung_position` table. 

So it goes like

bestellung_position → auftrag_position → auftrag.

