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Transfers (CSV/XML/EDI/PDF) API type


I need listen event when order was created. New REST API doesn’t satisfy me because it’s only for manually crated orders.

I wondering if I can use Transfer module for this purpose. There are some type connection which called API. Does someone help me how I can use it? I can’t find any information about it and how it works.



7 Antworten

Benutzerebene 7
Abzeichen +5


Alternatively, have you checked whether the new webhooks events might be of more help?

best, Daniel 


Hi @Daniel Schmidtchen 

Unfortunately new webhooks works only for manual created orders. In my case orders coming from Shopware and Shopify

Hi Stepan,

you can use the Transfer module to send a POST request to an API endpoint of your choice. 

Set Type to “API” and Transfer Format to XML, CSV or Smarty to define the payload of the POST request.

Define your API-endpoint that should receive your POST request and, if needed, credentials. You can as well set content type and header parameters if needed.


If you need further assistance, feel free to raise a support ticket.


Kind regards, Jonas


@Jonas Tilles thx it helps me.

 I have one more question. If my orders during the transferring occur with some error they are stored in Xentral with the status "Error" but in the next iteration, they still have "Error" status and are not touched by the Transfer CSV, XML module. Can I somehow automate or at least get a notification by email about it? Now I need to manually handle these failed orders?


Hi Stepan,

sorry for my late response. I am not aware of any functionality that automatically resends the Transfer. What you can do to get notified by mail about errors is the following:

You can create yourself a custom report with a SQL-query that shows you the error records in the reports module and set up automatic shipping of the report by mail in the report settings:


The main table for this would be uebertragungen_monitor.


You can find further information about repots here.


If you are unfamiliar with creating reports or SQL, you can ask one of our partners for help or get in contact with us for a consulting project, we would be happy to help you out. Please keep in mind that these services may be chargeable.


Kind regards


Benutzerebene 6
Abzeichen +3

Moin @Jonas Tilles ,

Are you aware that not all transmissions and therefore all error messages are listed in the monitor? 

Hello @Max_P,

I am only aware of the situation that import transmissions of corrupted files or files with wrong format (e.g. PDF instead of XML) are not shown in the monitor. If there are other transmissions that are not shown in the monitor, please let us know and create a ticket for our support team. We will then investigate on that.


Kind regards

